Redfish University with Capt. Bob Quarles-November 9, 2008

Bobby Q(Capt. Bob Quarles) wanted to sightfish for redfish this morning in Escambia and announced that just one fish would make his Sunday! Even with very high water, a neap tide, bluebird skies, high pressure, very windy conditions and dropping temperatures, I figured no problem, since we’ve been hammering them elsewhere so we went into our Redfish U. session with great confidence. The conditions really mixed things up and the fish were extremely difficult today and we had to bring the “A” game to entice 4 or 5 nice redfish. Eagle eyes and long, accurate casts with Gulp! Jerkshads in camo and Gulp! 3″ Shrimp in new penny both rigged weedless was the key to success. We had some epic strikes while sightfishing these very uncooperative redfish. Poor to below average day but always fun to fish with Bobby Q and we both enjoyed the challenge.



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